Learn how to manage multi-tenant clusters using Kubernetes Resource Quotas and best practices.

Kubernetes Hybrid Cloud

In today's rapidly developing digital landscape, enterprises face the challenge of leveraging the power of cloud computing while maintaining control over their infrastructure and data. The hybrid cloud model enables organizations to balance the benefits and tradeoffs of public and private clouds. Kubernetes has become a staple of hybrid cloud environments because it can efficiently manage large-scale containerized workloads and enable seamless integration across different deployment models.

Optimizing business benefits in a Kubernetes hybrid cloud environment requires combining strategy, conceptual knowledge, and tactics. This article will explore Kubernetes hybrid cloud topics, including best practices, deployment models, networking, security, resource management, and governance.

Summary of Kubernetes Hybrid Cloud Best Practices

The table below summarizes nine best practices organizations can use to optimize the benefits of Kubernetes in hybrid cloud environments.

Best practice Description
Plan for hybrid cloud adoption Define clear objectives and use cases for hybrid cloud deployment. Evaluate the suitability of workloads for public and private clouds. Consider factors such as data sensitivity, regulatory compliance, and performance requirements.
Leverage Kubernetes as the orchestration layer Utilize Kubernetes as the unified orchestration layer to manage and deploy applications across private and public clouds. Leverage Kubernetes features like workload scaling, self-healing, and service discovery for efficient application management.
Implement cross-cloud networking Establish secure and reliable connectivity between private and public clouds. Leverage virtual private networks (VPNs), software-defined networking (SDN), or dedicated interconnects to establish communication channels. Consider network latency, bandwidth requirements, and data transfer costs.
Implement consistent Identity and Access Management (IAM) Implement a consistent IAM framework across hybrid cloud environments. Utilize federated identity, single sign-on (SSO), and role-based access control (RBAC) to ensure proper authentication and authorization across all cloud resources.
Ensure data consistency and security Implement data replication, synchronization, and backup mechanisms to ensure data consistency across hybrid cloud environments. Apply appropriate encryption, access controls, and security measures to protect data at rest and in transit.
Optimize resource allocation and cost management Implement auto-scaling mechanisms to adjust resources and minimize costs dynamically. Regularly monitor and optimize cloud resource usage to avoid unnecessary expenses using tools like Kubecost.
Establish monitoring and logging practices Implement robust monitoring and logging solutions across hybrid cloud environments. Utilize Kubernetes monitoring tools, log aggregation platforms, and centralized dashboards to gain visibility into application performance, resource utilization, and system health.
Regularly test and validate disaster recovery (DR) Implement comprehensive disaster recovery strategies for hybrid cloud environments. Periodically test and validate backup, restore, and failover procedures to ensure business continuity during system failures or disasters.
Continuously update and patch Keep Kubernetes clusters and underlying cloud infrastructure updated with the latest security patches and updates. Implement automated deployment pipelines and practices to ensure smooth and efficient updates without disrupting application availability.

Understanding hybrid cloud

Before diving into the specifics of Kubernetes hybrid cloud, it is essential to grasp the fundamental hybrid cloud concept. A hybrid cloud is an environment that uses the resources of both public and private clouds, allowing organizations to leverage the benefits of each while ensuring flexibility to meet unique business requirements. By seamlessly integrating on-premises infrastructure with public cloud services, the hybrid cloud empowers businesses to optimize their infrastructure, achieve cost-efficiency, maintain data sovereignty, and deliver enhanced performance and security.

Kubernetes’ role in hybrid cloud computing

Kubernetes and hybrid cloud are a natural fit, with Kubernetes as the bridge connecting the disparate private and public cloud environments. Whether running workloads on-premises, in public clouds, or in combination, Kubernetes provides a unified management layer, enabling seamless application deployment, workload mobility, and resource optimization. By deploying Kubernetes in a hybrid cloud setup, organizations can achieve unprecedented scalability, agility, and portability across their infrastructure.

Kubernetes hybrid cloud deployment models

Deploying Kubernetes in a hybrid cloud architecture requires careful consideration of deployment models. Organizations can take two standard approaches by using the “bursting” or “federated” model. The sections below review the basics of both of these models, their advantages, and challenges.

Bursting model

The bursting model focuses on leveraging the elasticity of public clouds to handle peak workloads while running most operations on private clouds. In this model, organizations maintain a primary Kubernetes cluster on-premises or in a private cloud and utilize public cloud resources as an extension during periods of high demand. Bursting allows organizations to handle sudden spikes in resource requirements without over-provisioning private infrastructure, resulting in cost savings.

A logical overview of the hybrid Kubernetes bursting model


  • Cost optimization by scaling resources dynamically during peak demand.
  • Improved performance and reduced latency for bursty workloads.
  • Flexibility to handle unpredictable or seasonal workload patterns.
  • Enhanced resource utilization by leveraging public cloud elasticity.

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  • Ensuring smooth workload migration between private and public clouds.
  • Managing network connectivity and data transfer between clusters.
  • Maintaining application and data consistency across hybrid environments.
  • Monitoring and optimizing cost and resource usage.

Federated model

The federated model involves deploying multiple Kubernetes clusters across private and public clouds while maintaining a centralized control plane for managing and orchestrating the clusters. Each cluster operates independently, catering to specific workloads or geographical locations, while the federated control plane provides a unified view and management interface. This model enables organizations to distribute workloads across hybrid infrastructure based on specific requirements, optimizing performance and ensuring fault tolerance.

A logical overview of the hybrid Kubernetes - federated model.


  • Geographical distribution of workloads for improved performance and availability.
  • Flexibility in workload placement, considering data sovereignty and compliance requirements.
  • Improved fault tolerance and resilience through distributed clusters.
  • Centralized control and management of the federated clusters.


  • Ensuring network connectivity and security across distributed clusters.
  • Coordinating workload distribution and data synchronization.
  • Maintaining consistent policies and configurations across clusters.
  • Complexity in managing and monitoring multiple clusters.

Kubernetes hybrid cloud networking

Networking is critical when leveraging Kubernetes in a hybrid cloud setup to ensure seamless communication, data transfer, and security across distributed clusters. Networking is a crucial piece of technology architecture, and when planned correctly, it can do wonders.

Benefits of effective Kubernetes hybrid cloud networking include:

  • Scalability and flexibility: Hybrid cloud networking allows organizations to scale their applications dynamically by leveraging the resources of both private and public clouds. Kubernetes enables seamless workload distribution and mobility, providing unmatched scalability and flexibility for hybrid cloud deployments.
  • Workload optimization: Hybrid cloud networking enables organizations to optimize workloads by strategically placing them in private or public clouds based on data sensitivity, compliance requirements, and performance considerations. This ensures efficient resource utilization and cost optimization.
  • Data sovereignty: Hybrid cloud networking allows organizations to maintain control over sensitive data by keeping it on-premises or in private clouds while leveraging the agility and scalability of public clouds for other workloads. This enables compliance with data sovereignty regulations and provides peace of mind regarding data security.


  • Network connectivity: Establishing reliable and secure network connectivity between private and public cloud environments poses a significant challenge. It addresses latency and bandwidth limitations and ensures consistent network performance across distributed clusters.
  • Data consistency and synchronization: Maintaining data consistency and synchronization across hybrid cloud environments is crucial for ensuring the seamless operation of applications. Organizations must implement mechanisms to replicate and synchronize data between clusters while considering factors like data transfer speed, data integrity, and consistency across geographically distributed clusters.
  • Security and compliance: Hybrid cloud networking requires robust security measures to protect data at rest and in transit. Organizations must ensure secure communication between clusters, implement proper access controls and encryption mechanisms, and adhere to compliance regulations to maintain data integrity and privacy.
K8s clusters handling 10B daily API calls use Kubecost


  • Network architecture: Designing a scalable and resilient network architecture is crucial for hybrid cloud deployments. Consider factors such as load balancing, traffic routing, and network segmentation to optimize network performance and ensure the high availability of services.
  • Inter-cluster communication: Implementing efficient communication mechanisms between clusters is vital for hybrid cloud networking. Organizations can leverage virtual private networks (VPNs), software-defined networking (SDN), or dedicated interconnects to establish secure and reliable communication channels.
  • Data transfer and replication: Organizations must evaluate the best approach for transferring and replicating data across hybrid cloud environments. Consider bandwidth requirements, data transfer costs, and synchronization mechanisms to ensure consistent and up-to-date data across clusters.

Best practices

  • Define network requirements: Clearly define network requirements based on workload characteristics, performance needs, and data sensitivity. This helps in designing an optimal network architecture that meets organizational objectives.
  • Implement secure communication: Use secure protocols, encryption mechanisms, and proper access controls to ensure fast data transfer and communication between clusters. Implement network segmentation to isolate sensitive workloads from public-facing resources.
  • Monitor and optimize network performance: Implement robust monitoring and logging solutions to gain visibility into network performance and identify potential bottlenecks or latency issues. Regularly analyze network metrics and optimize network configurations for improved performance.
  • Automate network operations: Leverage automation tools and practices to streamline network provisioning, configuration, and management. Implement Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) and configuration management tools to ensure consistent and reproducible network deployments across hybrid cloud environments.
  • Regularly test and validate: Continuously test and validate network connectivity, data transfer mechanisms, and disaster recovery procedures to ensure smooth operation and business continuity in case of failures or disruptions.

Kubernetes hybrid cloud data management

Data storage and management are critical aspects of any hybrid cloud architecture, especially when Kubernetes is involved. A proper and well-executed data management strategy can be vital in gaining better insights by combining sensitive, protected, and public data with the following benefits:

  • Flexibility and scalability: Kubernetes provides the flexibility to choose and scale storage solutions based on specific workload requirements. It allows seamless integration of different storage platforms, such as on-premises and cloud-based storage services, providing agility and scalability.
  • Hybrid cloud data placement: Kubernetes hybrid cloud architecture enables organizations to store data where it makes the most sense, combining the benefits of on-premises and cloud storage. This allows organizations to leverage cost-effective on-premises storage for specific data while utilizing the scalability and elasticity of the cloud for other workloads.


  • Data gravity Moving large volumes of data between on-premises and cloud environments can be time-consuming and resource-intensive. Efficient data movement strategies and solutions are needed to mitigate this challenge.
  • Data consistency and synchronization In a Kubernetes hybrid cloud environment, ensuring data consistency and synchronization across multiple clusters and cloud providers is paramount. This involves navigating the tradeoff between strong and eventual consistency.
    Strong consistency guarantees that every read operation receives the most recent write, ensuring data accuracy. However, achieving strong consistency can lead to increased latency and potentially impact system availability in a distributed setup.
    Eventual consistency, on the other hand, allows for faster read operations by allowing temporary data divergences between clusters, which eventually converge. This approach prioritizes system availability and responsiveness but may lead to data anomalies during the convergence process.
    To strike the right balance, cloud-native architects often opt for hybrid approaches, implementing strong consistency where it's critical (e.g., financial transactions) and eventual consistency where lower latency and system availability are paramount (e.g., content delivery). Implementing data synchronization mechanisms, such as distributed databases, caching layers, and data pipelines, is essential for achieving this balance while optimizing performance and reliability in a Kubernetes hybrid cloud setup.
  • Network latency and bandwidth Network latency and limited bandwidth between on-premises and cloud environments can impact data transfer speeds and overall system performance. Optimizing network connectivity and utilizing techniques like data compression can help alleviate these challenges.


  • Data sovereignty and compliance: Depending on the nature of the data and regulations, organizations may need to consider data sovereignty and compliance requirements when deciding where to store and process their data. This involves understanding regional data governance laws and ensuring compliance with industry-specific regulations.
  • Data security: Protecting data in a hybrid cloud environment is vital. Organizations must implement robust security measures, including encryption, access controls, and data loss prevention mechanisms. Securing data at rest and in transit is crucial to maintaining data integrity.
  • Data lifecycle management: Developing a data lifecycle management strategy is essential to optimize storage resources and costs. Organizations should consider data classification, retention policies, and archival mechanisms to manage data throughout its lifecycle effectively.

Best practices

  • Use Persistent Volumes (PVs) and Persistent Volume Claims (PVCs): Leveraging Kubernetes PVs and PVCs abstracts the underlying storage infrastructure, enabling consistent storage provisioning and management across on-premises and cloud environments. This ensures data portability and simplifies storage management.
  • Implement data replication and backup strategies: Establishing data replication mechanisms and backup strategies is crucial to safeguard against data loss. Organizations should regularly back up critical data and replicate it across multiple locations for redundancy and disaster recovery.
  • Leverage storage orchestration: Kubernetes provides storage orchestration capabilities through dynamic provisioning mechanisms. Organizations can automate the provisioning and management of storage resources in a hybrid cloud environment by utilizing storage classes and volume plugins.
  • Consider cloud-native storage solutions: Cloud-native storage solutions, such as AWS Elastic Block Store (EBS), Azure Disk, or Google Cloud Persistent Disk, can seamlessly integrate with Kubernetes. These solutions offer advanced features like high availability, snapshots, and replication, making them suitable for hybrid cloud deployments.
Learn how to manage K8s costs via the Kubecost APIs

Kubernetes hybrid cloud monitoring and governance

Monitoring and governance are vital aspects of managing a Kubernetes hybrid cloud environment. When implemented successfully, an organization can obtain the following benefits.

  • Comprehensive infrastructure visibility: Monitoring and governance in a Kubernetes hybrid cloud environment provide complete visibility into the entire infrastructure, allowing organizations to gain insights into resource utilization, performance, and potential bottlenecks. This visibility aids in optimizing infrastructure and resource allocation.
  • Scalability and flexibility: Kubernetes can scale monitoring and governance solutions horizontally, accommodating the dynamic nature of hybrid cloud environments. With Kubernetes, organizations can scale monitoring systems as the infrastructure grows and adapt to changing needs.


  • Complexity and scale: Kubernetes hybrid cloud environments can be complex, with many containers and nodes spread across multiple locations. Monitoring and governance at scale require robust tools and practices to manage and analyze the vast amount of data generated effectively.
  • Heterogeneous infrastructure: Hybrid cloud architectures often involve a mix of on-premises and cloud infrastructure, making establishing a unified monitoring and governance strategy challenging. Integrating diverse monitoring solutions and ensuring compatibility across different environments is a significant challenge.
  • Security and compliance: Monitoring and governance must address security and compliance requirements. This includes monitoring for potential security threats, ensuring proper access controls, and maintaining compliance with relevant regulations across both on-premises and cloud environments.


  • Centralized monitoring and visibility: Establishing a centralized monitoring system enables a unified view of the entire hybrid cloud environment. It is crucial to select monitoring tools that support multi-cloud and on-premises integration, providing a single pane of glass for monitoring and governance.
  • Data collection and analysis: Determining the correct set of metrics and logs to collect is essential. Organizations must identify key performance indicators (KPIs) and implement effective data collection strategies to gather the necessary insights for monitoring, troubleshooting, and optimizing the hybrid cloud infrastructure.
  • Alerting and incident management: Implementing robust alerting mechanisms is crucial for proactive monitoring. Organizations should define meaningful thresholds and notification strategies to respond to issues and incidents promptly. Integration with incident management systems and collaboration tools can streamline the incident resolution process.

Best practices

  • Utilize observability tools: Employing observability tools like Prometheus, Grafana, or Datadog can provide extensive monitoring capabilities for Kubernetes hybrid cloud environments. These tools enable real-time monitoring, visualization, and alerting, empowering organizations to identify and resolve issues efficiently.
  • Implement kubernetes-native monitoring: Leverage Kubernetes-native monitoring solutions, such as the Kubernetes Metrics Server and the Kubernetes Events API, to collect metrics and monitor the health of Kubernetes clusters. Integrating these tools with a centralized monitoring system ensures comprehensive visibility across the hybrid cloud environment.
  • Implement cost allocation: Cost allocation in a Kubernetes hybrid cloud environment is essential for organizations to gain insights into resource consumption and optimize cost efficiency. Kubecost, a popular cost allocation tool for Kubernetes, provides the necessary visibility and analytics to allocate costs accurately across different teams, projects, and namespaces. By integrating with Kubernetes, Kubecost captures resource utilization data and maps it to specific workloads, allowing organizations to track and allocate costs based on actual resource usage. With Kubecost, organizations can identify cost-intensive components, optimize resource allocation, and make informed decisions to reduce overall infrastructure costs in their hybrid cloud deployments. By leveraging Kubecost's powerful features, organizations can effectively manage and optimize costs in their Kubernetes hybrid cloud environment.
  • Define service-level objectives (SLOs): Establishing SLOs helps organizations define performance and reliability expectations. By aligning monitoring and governance practices with SLOs, organizations can focus on measuring and improving the aspects that directly impact their applications and services.
  • Automate when possible: Automation plays a crucial role in monitoring and governance. Implementing automated monitoring and alerting workflows and utilizing configuration management tools for consistent deployments reduces manual effort, ensures consistency, and enhances overall efficiency.

Kubernetes hybrid cloud scaling and resource management

Scaling and resource management are critical aspects of efficiently running a Kubernetes hybrid cloud environment. An organization can achieve significant cost savings and the benefits shown below with proper resource management techniques.

  • Elastic scalability: Kubernetes hybrid cloud environments offer elastic scalability, allowing organizations to adjust resources based on demand dynamically. This flexibility enables efficient resource utilization and ensures the infrastructure can handle varying workloads effectively.
  • Resource diversity: Hybrid cloud deployments provide access to various resource options, including on-premises infrastructure and cloud-based services. This diversity allows organizations to leverage the most appropriate resources for specific workloads, optimizing performance and cost efficiency.


  • Dynamic workload patterns: Hybrid cloud environments often experience fluctuating workloads, making it challenging to allocate resources effectively. Predicting resource requirements and scaling infrastructure accordingly can be complex, mainly when dealing with varying demands across on-premises and cloud environments.
  • Resource fragmentation: Hybrid cloud deployments may result in fragmented resource utilization across different environments. Managing resources unified and ensuring optimal utilization across the hybrid cloud infrastructure can be challenging.
  • The complexity of multi-cloud environments: Scaling and managing resources in multi-cloud environments introduces additional complexity. Each cloud provider may have its tools, APIs, and scalability options, requiring organizations to navigate and integrate multiple systems effectively.


  • Scalability planning: Organizations must analyze workload patterns and trends to anticipate scalability needs. This involves understanding application requirements, setting appropriate scaling thresholds, and selecting suitable scaling mechanisms based on workload characteristics, such as horizontal or vertical scaling.
  • Hybrid cloud resource federation: Implementing resource federation across on-premises and cloud environments allows for unified resource management. Technologies like Kubernetes Federation enable organizations to manage and scale resources seamlessly across the hybrid cloud infrastructure.
  • Cost optimization: Balancing cost and resource allocation is essential in a hybrid cloud environment. Organizations should consider factors like cloud provider pricing models, utilization metrics, and workload performance to optimize costs while ensuring optimal resource allocation. A tool like Kubecost can be of massive help.

Best practices

  • Implement autoscaling: Leveraging Kubernetes autoscaling capabilities enables automated scaling based on predefined metrics. Organizations should define scaling policies, monitor relevant metrics, and implement horizontal or vertical autoscaling to ensure resources align with workload requirements. AKS, EKS, and GKE all have their own cluster autoscalers. AWS EKS also supports Karpenter.
  • Utilize resource quotas and limits: Setting resource quotas and limits at the namespace or pod level helps prevent resource contention and ensures fair application allocation. Organizations should establish resource limits based on workload requirements, considering CPU, memory, and storage factors.
  • Perform continuous monitoring and optimization: Regularly monitor resource utilization metrics and analyze performance to identify optimization opportunities. Employing monitoring tools and adopting a data-driven approach helps organizations optimize resource allocation, improve performance, and control costs.
  • Implement infrastructure as code (IaC): Adopting Infrastructure as Code principles enables organizations to define and manage their infrastructure using code. Tools like Terraform or Ansible allow consistent provisioning and configuration of resources, ensuring reproducibility and scalability across hybrid cloud deployments.


Kubernetes is a robust solution for managing applications in hybrid cloud environments. It integrates on-premises infrastructure with cloud services, offering advantages like flexibility, scalability, and resource diversity. This seamless integration allows organizations to maximize resource utilization, handle diverse workloads, and enhance overall efficiency in hybrid cloud deployments. Ongoing advancements in Kubernetes will bring improved integration capabilities, security measures, and more comprehensive monitoring, governance, and cost management tools.

The commitment of the Kubernetes community to innovation and collaboration ensures that the platform will evolve to meet the evolving demands of hybrid cloud deployments. As technology progresses and organizations strive for greater agility and cost optimization, Kubernetes will remain at the forefront, enabling seamless integration and management of resources across hybrid cloud environments.

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